Iridis is an investment advisor, fund allocator and service screener acting as your trusted  manager on tactical and operational level. We seek to optimize your asset portfolio, investment projects, businesses including their procurement strategy. In our a proactive, structured and collaborative process we seek to understand who you are and what you want to accomplish. Enabling us to support and implement a bespoke plan.

For privates, families and institutionals we provide; strategical, tactical and operational investment and wealth advice plus analytical input.

For corporates we provide; tactical and operational advice plus analytical input, supporting their financial, procurement and operational issues.

We strive to service our clients on their specific needs and challenges. From a single portfolio optimizing check to a full management solution and operational involvement. Changing the game from asset management to asset optimization and development.

Because we focus on client needs, they can spend more time doing the things they want and live a fuller and richer life.